Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wheat Class Review by Micah Anderson

I wasn't able to go to the wheat class that the Emergency Preparedness Class put on this past Tuesday, but Micah was at the church for meetings and got to sample the deliciousness. Days later he is still raving about the home made graham crackers.

I'm giving his review because I haven't asked any of the women who were there. So please note that had I asked someone else it would be a lot more thorough, but his brief comments while home for lunch today will have to do.

The wheat sausage was amazing. I liked knowing that it was wheat.

There were wheat and peanut butter bars.

There was delicious wheat bread with this awesome blackberry jam. You should have seen Dennis elbowing his way through the table saying, I love this stuff! This is my favorite!

Oh man! You should have had these little wheat crackers... homemade graham crackers!

That's all from Micah. Anything else to report from someone who was actually there and is a girl?


Lois said...

Argh! I totally forgot about it! Are there recipes anywhere?

Camille said...

I'll research that!

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize this was happening either! I grind wheat and would LOVE recipes!

micah's answers cracked me up!

McKenna said...

Hilarious. I love the "elbowing Dennis" description. Priceless.

Heidi said...

I'm a girl and I did get to stop and taste all the yummy stuff. I also loved the graham crackers and there were these tasty little wheat berries toasted with garlic. There were recipes there, but it would be nice to have them posted. I'm wheat inspired!