Saturday, September 20, 2008

Craft-a-thon Sign Up

There have been a few inquiries as to how to sign up to make specific crafts at our huge Craft-a-thon coming up on October 15th.

Here is the sign up form. Just click on the image, then select "File", then select "Print".

Note that you don't have to be in our ward to attend the Craft-a-thon. Friends and family are more than welcome!

Fill out the form and return it with any necessary money to Claudine Snyder or Cyndy Gagon by September 28th. Please let any of us on the Enrichment Committee know if you have any questions. We're happy to help.

Claudine Snyder (leader), Jaylin Bringhurst, Anjanelle Kendrick, Meredith Harris, Kelly Patrick, Yvette Ruiz, Melanie Rahlf, Caroline Shillig and Camille Anderson.

1 comment:

Lois said...

Glad to see that friends and family are welcome I don't do crafts, but my daughters are looking forward to making the flower clips and plushy dolls!