Monday, November 24, 2008

Quote from yesterday's lesson

Yesterday's lesson in Relief Society came from the May 2008 Ensign. Here is a quote from Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander found on page 101:

"Among the crowd was a woman. ...a humble woman...approaching the Savior from behind and then with embarrassment confessing that she had touched the hem of His garment. She was a woman exhausted and impoverished by her difficulties. She was desperate for help. Outwardly, there was little to distinguish her from any other person in the crowd. No on tried to stop her from moving toward Jesus. ...But there was something that set her apart from all others in the crowd that day. Though buried among the thronging mass, she resolutely and quietly pressed forward with a single purpose in mind: to come to the Savior, having faith that He had the power to heal her, that He cared about her and would respond to her need. In this one thing she set herself apart from the crowd. The crowd came to see, but the woman came to be healed."

1 comment:

MiCKeY said...

I loved this quote from the lesson! I am so thankful that although we cannot reach out & touch his garment as this woman did, we can reach out to him in prayer!