Monday, September 8, 2008

Wowie Zowie!

Stake conference was wonderful yesterday! Anybody else? I *loved* all the talks. Nigel had about had it after the first one, but we made it all the way through Elder Packer's talk. I'm so sad that we didn't get to here President Uchtdorf's talk!

In case anyone else missed any of the talks here's the break down (according to my easily distracted brain, so I'll need some help with some things):

A man spoke first whose name I did not catch, but he's a member of the 70 right? Great talk about the differences we all have and working towards "the ideal" while embracing those differences.

Ann Monson Dibb spoke next about the counterfeit vs. the real deal. It's easy to be fooled these days about what's important and what's not and even what is truth and what's not. I think I'll always think twice when I buy bread as opposed to taking the 5 hours she talked about needing to make delicious butter glazed homemade rolls for the Young Women in her ward. She took the time because she loved the girls and wanted them to know the difference between real bread and the counterfeit processed stuff that we eat all the time. An anology I think I'll never forget.

Then Elder Packer spoke about a lot of different things. I don't know if Nigel was distracting me or what, but I didn't hear the end of his talk that I'm assuming tied all the stories together. I do remember that Provo is named after a French-Canadian tracker whose last name was Provost and he outlived the 3 year life expectancy of trackers in the West because he was so good.

And that's when Nigel insisted that we take him home and put him to bed. We were hoping that the multi stake conference would have been broadcast on some local TV station, or radio station, or the internet or something but we couldn't find it. So, if you would care to add more to this summary just leave us a comment for further enlightenment.

Thanks all and PS if you ever want to post something to our blog just send me an email Good news, fun things happening, a great neighborhood story... anything!


Lois said...

It was Elder Jensen that spoke about being "nice." Loved all the talks! They were so great. I'm hoping transcripts of them will be posted somewhere, but I haven't found them either.

Camille said...

If anyone finds transcripts, please share!