Thursday, July 31, 2008

I've been thinking lately about the power of our technology. I can send friends and family e-mails that are transmitted immediately. We carry cell phones, pagers, PDAs, iPods. . .and the list goes on and on. The good news is that these things can be used to keep us organized and provide opportunities to stay in close contact with those we cherish most (including our GV1st blogging friends). Unfortunately, as with most good things, Satan tries to use them to do evil. Take special care to protect yourself & your family against such evils that have the power to destroy.

It might be a good thing to discuss in your next family home evening. The Church website has a number of great articles & advice. Click HERE for more information.

Elder L. Edward Brown of the Seventy taught:

"You live in a world of technological miracles. You have access through the Internet to resources one cannot begin to imagine. However, lurking there as well is a sinister evil, as deadly as a rapidly growing cancer. If you allow this pornographic disease a place in your heart, the Spirit withdraws itself and, ere you are aware, you are left alone and vulnerable (see D&C 121:37). You must avoid that pornographic playground. The same self-discipline is required relative to the materials you choose to read and the videos you may select to view. Pornography is poison!" ("Bring Your Mission Home with You," Ensign, Dec. 2000, 18)

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